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Melissa Tassone Photography

Photo/Video Pricing



Portrait + Weddings

  • PHOTO PACKAGE 1 (engagements, seniors, families): $600-includes hour and a half to 2 hour shoot, 70+ edits, 3 outfits, 2 locations, print release, online gallery.

  • PHOTO PACKAGE 2 (mini shoots for seniors + children): $350-includes half hour shoot, 40+ edits, 1 outfits, 1 location, print release, online gallery.

  • PHOTO PACKAGE 3 (boudoir or newborns): $600-includes two hour shoot, unlimited outfits, 1-2 location, print release, online gallery.

  • WEDDING PACKAGE: $4,000-includes FULL day coverage, 2 shooters, 600+ edits, print release, online gallery, and includes all travel and lodging expenses. — this is a flat rate package, it can only be altered by hours only.


Project + Weddings

  • VIDEO RATES (for shooting): $75/hour - (for entire project) this is a per project basis rate.

  • WEDDING VIDEOGRAPHY: $4,000- includes FULL day coverage, 2 shooters, 4-6 minute highlight reel, online viewing link and includes all travel and lodging expenses. —this is a flat rate package, it can only be altered by hours only.


Events + Weddings

  • WEDDING VIDEOGRAPHY + PHOTOGRAPHY: $6,500- includes FULL day coverage, 1 shooter photo, 1 shooter video, 4-6 minute highlight reel, 600 edits, online viewing link + gallery and includes all travel and lodging expenses.

  • PHOTO + VIDEO RATES (for shooting): $200/hour - (for entire project) this is a per project basis rate.