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Melissa Tassone Photography


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I am so happy to announce that I am finally offering mentoring sessions for individuals who want to learn more about editing, camera walk-throughs, photography tips & tricks, software, and workflow including Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Premiere.

I find myself smiling and geeking out over sharing my knowledge with others in order to help guide or direct them in their creative endeavors. It’s truly fulfilling to teach and be a helping hand when it comes to educating others in a field that I’ve spent 10 years learning and growing in myself.


Rates: $100/hr + $25 for every hour after, includes recorded mentor session. 

Adobe Lightroom

Program walk-through, basic skills, preset creation, organization, culling, toolkits and more.

Adobe Premiere

Program walk-through, basic skills, organization, culling, coloring, workflow and more.

Adobe Photoshop

Program walk-through, basic skills and photoshop techniques, workflows and more.